Valent Turkovic wrote:
2008/2/9 Valent Turkovic <valent.turkovic@xxxxxxxxx>:
it crashed again:
# cat /var/log/setroubleshoot/setroubleshootd.log
2008-02-09 10:36:03,633 [email.WARNING] datoteku nije moguće otvoriti
/var/lib/setroubleshoot/email_alert_recipients, No such file or
2008-02-09 12:27:44,533 [program.ERROR] Can not handle AVC'S related
to dispatcher. exiting
setroubleshoot context=system_u:system_r:setroubleshootd_t:s0, AVC
So when selinux service crashes I have no selinux protection? Isn't
this a bit of a flaw in design?
SELinux is not a service. SELinux troubleshooter is and absence of it
does not alter policy.