Re: how to jigdo download a fedora 8 re-spin in one easy step?

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David Boles wrote:
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Karl Larsen wrote:
David Boles wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
   I and rday are going to write a help file using this jigdo method to
make your own respin of any Fedora version. But I have problems.

   Rday says you need to mount the F8 DVD on /mnt/. On my computer it
automatically mounts on /media/. I fix that in a root terminal by
#umount name-of-DVD and it works fine.

   My problem is I can't find the proper things to mount the DVD to
/mnt/. I thought I could find the right things in /etc/fstab but they
are not listed there any more :-)

   Does anyone know how to do the mount function on a DVD?

this should help you with your project.

Using Jigdo to Download Re-Spin ISOs

   Sorry it does not help. Jigsaw seems to want a url and when I give it
a /media/name/packages/ it says Not a proper URL. Perhaps I need to add
some "" but really I need a way to mount the DVD.

If you are looking at what I *think* that you are looking at here the
URL is:

As for the dvd - does it not mount when you put it in the drive? If not
mount it yourself. The answer to one of the other questions asked is the
path to the dvd.
The DVD is mounted to /media/ automatic upon putting the DVD in the reader.
Now the http you show is a real hodge-podge of stuff and I have no idea 
how that will help me. But I will try it.
As for writing instructions for this task, I first must be able to DO it 

- --

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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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