Ed Greshko wrote:
John Summerfield wrote:
Ed Greshko wrote:
John Summerfield wrote:
As soon as the systems were up I checked top and lsmod. Now, this
entirely one-to-one since on my F8 install I did use LVM while I
didn't on
the slackware. Also, slackware is at while F8 is
That should advantage Slack.
How so?
You were looking at RAM use. no needed lvm modules means slack might use
less RAM on that account.
Except that slack is using MORE RAM even though F8 is actually loading more
I noticed.
modules and running more services (forgot F8 was running ntpd and sendmail).
So, I find it comforting that F8 is using less RAM (F8 147.9MB v.s. Slack
179.4MB) even though it is doing more. Guess I have to look back at my
original post...could be I got the numbers reversed in it?
Would be good to check, just so as to not leave anyone wondering or
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