Re: [Fedora] Re: SELinux Attack!

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Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
Sure Andy but I think I just proved SELinux IS the problem and it is a big problem! I did the suggested relabel and rebooted and the computer cam up fast as it should.

I suggested this to Karl, because I had a situation where messing with selinux rpms (i.e., uninstalling/reinstalling) had resulted in cups being disabled. (Everything else worked, apparently.) So don't immediately dismiss Karl's claims...

I can not turn OFF SELinux. I just checked and it is still ON!

So please tell me how to turn it off and I will try to uninstall it.
Edit /etc/selinux/config to disable it.

You can not uninstall it entirely.

selinux has improved dramatically. It used to break everything... but it has matured into a really useful security tool. Personally, I suggest that you leave it enabled, and learn to identify its quirks.

- Mike

I would Mike if it would quit doing things like it did today. It is real scary to see init fail to find cups and then sendmail, and come up in 20 minutes broken. Now since this attack I know more things to try. But even retired I would like my computer to boot up in around a minute, not 3 hours.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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