Re: My machine != localhost.localdomain?

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On Fri, 5 Oct 2007, Rick Stevens wrote:

The "HOSTNAME=" bit in /etc/sysconfig/network should reflect what you
want the machine to be named.

In /etc/hosts, you want (at least) the following two lines:	localhost.localdomain localhost
	w.x.y.z hostname

replacing "w.x.y.z" with the actual IP address of the machine and
"" and "hostname" with the appropriate data.
Thanks Frank and Rick, but this didn't solve my problem. Indeed, the 
/etc/hosts file was messed up, so I fixed it, rebooted, and I still get 
the same warning message. Gotta be another place where it's messed up...
Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******

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