Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Chris wrote:
Shouldn't the Op be able to do something like this?
ifconfig wi0 ssid Skippy wepmode on wepkey 0x01122334455667788aabbccddee
When I ran FreeBSD - this is how I setup my lappy.
As far as I know, the version of ifconfig used by Linux does not
understand wireless extensions. So you would need to use iwconfig
instead. You also have to specify the correct interface name for
iwconfig. Something like:
iwconfig eth0 essid Skippy mode managed key 01122334455667788aabbccddee
iwconfig wlan0 essid Skippy mode managed key restricted
I just turned on my laptop that is working with WiFi and ifconfig
shows an entry it calls wifi0.00 and it has the latest data on the
connection. This is on F7.