Tim wrote:
Don Russell:
What would it take to have this package actually be called
vim-enhanced in the update notice?
Markku Kolkka:
The package name in the notice is the name of the _source_ RPM.
Vim-enhanced and vim-minimal are both built from the same source
Hmm, I hadn't noticed that before, but it's fairly obvious once you
think about it (the source would be the thing being directly updated,
the packages wouldn't be updated by individual tweaks, they'd simply be
rebuilt from the newer source). Just looking through some of the
notices, the message (further down) does list all the packages affected
by the update, directly. Don could parse the whole update message.
Yes, I'm giving that some thought... I'm not sure of exactly how to
parse the text after the checksum.... the dash (-) is not a consistent
delimiter between package name, version, release. That's why I did not
try to parse the subject line in the first place, the body has things
spelled out near the beginning... alas, it's describing the SOURCE... :-(
So, if I can grab thelist of packages at the end of the e-mail, then
perhaps parse right to left, by dash, into three parts....
i.e. vim-enhanced-v.v.v-r.r.r
Break that into (right to left: r.r.r, v.v.v and what ever is left after
that is the package name to see if I have it installed.
When I get an e-mail, I can run through the list. If none of those are
installed, handle the entire message accordingly.