Re: splitting off directories

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Aaron Konstam wrote:
We need to have at least one controversy every day so here is mine.

If you have a large server there are plenty of reasons to split oyur
distribution into several partitions. But for a single user machine it
is more trouble than its worth. I call the splitting the Sun Fallacy
which was started when disks were about 140 M in size and multiple disks
were needed for your system.
I agree with your assesment, almost. It can be worthwhile to have
/boot and the "unchanging" part on separate partitions to prevent
disc fill-up from preventing boot. LVM is also not worth it, IMO.

Anyway, having /boot on one small partition makes it easy to see that
nothing has changed. Having /home, /tmp, and /var be on another, large
one, and everything else on a small one can be useful, I think.

If I had it to do over, I wouldn't put /swap on a separate partition.

Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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