Re: F7 install from DVD iso -

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Kam Leo wrote:
Don't know if it's the Gnome or Fedora developers who keep changing
the menus. Wish they would keep their changes to a minimum. Try
System->Administration->Server Settings->Services.

Yes I looked at that before but all it does is tell me that NFS is running.

"Service nfs status" tells me that.  The KDE application is a setup thing.
To make things worse I never use Gnome or KDE so I am on thin ice there and add to that the fact that my ISP Wildblue has been erratic for several days now taking up to fifteen hours to process e-mail! I am nearing the upper limit of sanity!
It doesn't matter how you separate the terms, I understand what is 
meant.  The page you suggested used a backslash ...
I found a similar application hidden deep in KDE which seemed to have
some effect on my installation attempt but in the end I still get the
error message that it can't find the directory?

If Fedora set out to make installation of F7 more difficult they have
definitely succeeded!

Bob Goodwin


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