Re: F7 install from DVD iso -

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On 6/6/07, Bob Goodwin - W2BOD <bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Kam Leo wrote:
> On 6/5/07, Kam Leo <kam.leo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This write-up, , is fairly old
> but should provide you with the basics.
Yes, that's a reasonably clear instruction but Applications\System
Settings\Server Settings\NFS
does not seem to exist in Gnome in FC6.  I am told that it's possible to
do this from the command line but there's no mention of what files need
to be dealt with.
Don't know if it's the Gnome or Fedora developers who keep changing
the menus. Wish they would keep their changes to a minimum. Try
System->Administration->Server Settings->Services.

I found a similar application hidden deep in KDE which seemed to have
some effect on my installation attempt but in the end I still get the
error message that it can't find the directory?

If Fedora set out to make installation of F7 more difficult they have
definitely succeeded!

Bob Goodwin

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