Steve Searle wrote:
Around 05:28pm on Tuesday, June 05, 2007 (UK time), Bob Goodwin - W2BOD scrawled:
If I tell it to do an NFS install it requests "NFS Server Name"
[] and the "Fedora directory" [/media/iso] which seems
logical to me.
I think that "Fedora directory" needs to be the (unmounted) directory
that contains the iso, rather than a directory that has the iso mounted
on it.
/media/iso is empty unless I run "mount F-7-i386-DVD.iso /media/iso -t
iso9660 -o loop"
Also make sure iptables on the server isn't denying you access.
I can stop the firewall, still the "no mount" error message?
I hate to buy a DVD burner for the sole purpose of making a Fedora disk
each time there's a new release. I've never needed to record a DVD
before. I suppose I might find some other use for it.