Re: Red Hat Users Invited To Test RHEL 5

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Jim Cornette wrote:
Paul Howarth wrote:
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 22:26 -0400, Jim Cornette wrote:
RHEL probably would be too slimmed down for my usage at home.
RHEL will include some packages that are in Fedora Extras; they'll just
be maintained (for the purposes of RHEL) by Red Hat staff instead of the
community members that maintain the packages in Extras.


It is good to know that RHEL will contain some programs that are in 
Fedora-Extras. There are many programs migrated that would be missed 
otherwise. My assumption without research was it was less than FC plus 
extras. The last try I did with CentOS seemed to give me that impression.
Something else to bear in mind is that it's planned to have a 
community-maintained "Enterprise Extras" too, in time for RHEL5:


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