Paul Smith wrote:
On 8/22/06, Mark Haney <mhaney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Strange. Okay, have you queried rpm to see if it's installed? What's
the output of rpm -qa | grep alsa say?
I don't remember exactly how FC handles it, but is alsa a kernel module
or built into the kernel on your system?
# rpm -qa | grep alsa
Regarding your second question, I do not really know how to answer them.
Run an 'lsmod' and see if alsa is listed (or anything with 'snd' in the
used by column). I'm nowhere near an FC5 box with sound, as my laptop
is Gentoo and all my FC boxes are servers, so I'm not sure what I should
be seeing on that front. I doubt seriously that FC's implementation of
also would be THAT different from any other distro.
Ceterum censeo, Carthago delenda est.
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415