Here is the URL for the Fedora bug report:
Anthony, could you please add a comment. Thanks!
Quoting "Gerald B. Cox" <gbcox@xxxxxx>:
Hummmmm...very interesting. Thanks for the info. I searched fedora
bugzilla and didn't see anything listed. If it happened to you with a
clean install
and me with an upgrade, looks like a definite code defect somewhere.
I'll open a fedora bug also. Might be something related to the distribution.
It's fairly easy to reproduce. Must not be alot of EPSON R300's running FC5.
Quoting Anthony Joseph Messina <amessina@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 11:43 -0700, Gerald B. Cox wrote:
I been working through FC5 upgrade issues and just noticed another.
I have an Epson Photo R300 Printer. I noticed that when
I print the CUPS test page, or print from an application such as GNUMERIC
or ABIWORD, the page doesn't eject from the printer when done. The
only way the page is ejected is I either turn the printer off then
back on, or if I start another print job. If I start another print
job, the spacing for that next job is messed up.
I did notice in properties for the print queue there is a setting for
"Send a FF" which wasn't checked. I tried selecting that, but it
doesn't make any difference.
If I print from within GIMP however, things appear to work normally.
I didn't have a problem with FC4 - everything worked fine.
Has anyone else noticed this? Should I enter a bug report?
well, gerald, we meet again...
i filed a bug report here:
"[ 1466678 ] Epson Stylus Photo R300 fails to eject last page"
someone started to help me, but then trailed off. perhaps you could
reignite the fire.
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