Ivan Evstegneev wrote:
Now I realized my mistake, I just tried all this time to modify "xinetd.conf" instead of "swat" binary file (I'm right?, Is it binary or it is a conf file of "swat"? in such case why it comes without "*.conf"? Does it necessary? It is marked as "plain text document") in "/etc/xinetd.d" folder!!!!
The files in /etc/xinetd.d are configuration files. Their name isn't important, so they don't need to end with ".conf". They are loaded as if they were a part of the xinetd.conf file.
Let me ask me ask you more question: what is about the file I have in /usr/sbin/swat folder? Is this the binary file? At least it marked as "executable" on it.
Yes, that's the binary, executable file. Look at the contents of /etc/xinetd.d/swat in a text editor, it'll look almost the same as the section that you'd previously added to xinetd.conf.
One more thing: "chkconfig swat on" enables loading this process at the start up? If no, how do I enable it?
Yes, it does. "chkconfig" can be used to manage all of the boot-time services, including services that run out of xinetd.