Andy Green wrote:
jdow wrote:
You're not listening, Rahul. That leads me to wonder just who constitutes
the community that does the influences Fedora policies. I guess folks on
this list are basically peons who are not part of the "community" or at
least we're not as equal as other members.
If you look at what you're asking it boils down to asking some guys paid
by Redhat to spend time and effort they could spend elsewhere continuing
to give their high quality security coverage to what is now an older OS,
for free. I have a remote server that is FC3, it came with FC3 and the
only other choice was Windows, so I am motivated to want security
coverage... but... before we huff and puff about 'community' we have to
realize we are demanding their work for free in such a case. R
I've been giving my time, freely, for free for almost ten years, and
before the Internet, to chess organisations.
I _always_ listened to my chessplayers and tried to give the service
they wanted, and I always try to give good advice to computer users.
The value of the time I've given is way more than RH would have got had
I merely bought one every retail pack they ever released, and is well
comparable to that given by many OSS authors.
So far as I can judge it, much the same is true of Jo, and long timers
will recall names such as Tony Nugent, Thom Pain, Jo Klemmer who've also
given years of service.
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