Hello: I have to implement a backup system for a whole department, inittialy covering about 40 PC, and the growing... I don't want to use scripting, because I have to work cross-platform (windows and linux, maybe mac). I want a more serious (I ment no disrespect, but bash and perl are scripting language, not backup system... and I don't want to develop the whole backup system)... Also, I need backups in DVD o CD... I known the tape are a more reliable and better choice, but i'm stuck with it... Does someone know a good alternative... I've haved googled, searched, even tried many systems, but I want opinions from people with experience... PD: A... it has to be free-software (Maybe I need to code on it) PD2: Please, not a STFW!!!!! Happy New Year! -- Arturo Alejandro Hoffstadt Urrutia Estudiante Ingenieria Civil Informática ahoffsta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "La Magia existe, solo debes buscar mejor"