Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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Here are two of many possible options:

1. The Fedora Core legel beagle should respectfully ask each of the
unofficial sites to desist from using fedora*.org naming scheme.
Ok. Thats easy enough but what if people refuse and certainly some of them would. Remember just having a trademark doesnt mean you can legally restrict all use of the words nor is it derisable or a financial gain for any project.
2. Do not use the fedora*.org naming scheme and creating a new domain
for every function/topic that comes along. Use one domain name as the
parent. If is the parent then all child sites should
be subdomains.  You might have something like
or for example here is a community website endorsed by project. So setting up redirects such as these is pretty easy. We already do it on several instances. or for example. If you find sub domains such as these useful file enhancements reports against the infrastructure in or post to the fedora-websites-list.

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