Fwd: Serious Error: LAPACK and Fedora Core 3

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Sorry, forgot to attach the files....

--- Globe Trotter <itsme_410@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 08:51:01 -0800 (PST)
> From: Globe Trotter <itsme_410@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Serious Error: LAPACK and Fedora Core 3
> To: fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear all,
> I have been fighting with calling LAPACK from C and have come across an issue
> which make eigenvalue calculations with LAPACK hang in Fedora Core 3. It may
> be
> noted that these go through fine in RHEL 3. 
> I doubt this is an issue of calling LAPACK from C, but I will include the C
> files and the header files.
> To compile, 
> gcc demos.c mylapack.c -ansi -Wall -pedantic -llapack -lg2c
> Note that lapack needs to be installed. Also, the program compiles fine, and
> calculates the inverse fine using LAPACK, on FC3, but hangs after entering
> the
> eigenvalue calculation. It goes to completion on RHEL 3.
> Can someone please suggest what can be done? Unless there is a strange bug in
> FC3?
> By the way, the RHEL 3 box I tested on runs lapack-3.0.22, while the FC3 box
> runs lapack-3.0.25.
> Thanks and best wishes!
> __________________________________ 
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Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! 
Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web 
 * Compile with:
 *    cc try.c liblapack.a libblas.a -lg2c
 * For a description of LINPACK's driver's routines, see:
 *    http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node25.html
 * */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mylapack.h"

static void print_matrix(const char *fmt, double *a, int m, int n)
	int i, j;

	for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<n; j++)
			printf(fmt, a[i+n*j]);

static void print_packed_matrix(const char *fmt, double *a, int n)
	int i, j;

	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<=i; j++)
			printf(fmt, a[i+(j*(2*n-j-1))/2]);

static void print_vector(const char *fmt, double *b, int m)
	int i;

	for (i=0; i<m; i++)
		printf(fmt, b[i]);


/* LP_gen_solve() solves a general AX=B system */
static void demo_gen_solve(int n)
	double *a = NULL, *b = NULL;
	int *piv = NULL;
	int i, j;
	int info;

	a = malloc(n*n*sizeof *a);
	b = malloc(n*sizeof *b);
	piv = malloc(n*sizeof *piv);

	if (a==NULL || b==NULL || piv==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* make a sample non-symmetric matrix */
	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
		for (i=0; i<n; i++)
			a[i+n*j] = 1.0/(i+2*j+1);

	/* make a sample vector */
	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
		b[i] = 1.0;

	printf("A as a vector:\n");
	print_vector("%6.2f ", a, n*n);

	printf("A as a matrix:\n");
	print_matrix("%6.2f ", a, n, n);

	printf("B =\n");
	print_vector("%6.2f ", b, n);

	/* solve AX=B */
	info = LP_gen_solve(a, n, b, piv);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	printf("X =\n");
	print_vector("%6.2f ", b, n);


/* LP_sym_pos_solve() solves AX=B where A is symmetrix and positive-definite */
static void demo_sym_pos_solve(int n)
	double *a = NULL, *b = NULL;
	int i, j, k;
	int info;

	a = malloc(n*(n+1)/2*sizeof *a);
	b = malloc(n*sizeof *b);

	if (a==NULL || b==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Make a sample symmetric matrix in the lower-triangular
	 * packed format.
	 * */
	for (j=0, k=0; j<n; j++)
		for (i=j; i<n; i++)
			a[k++] = 1.0/(i+j+1);

	/* make a sample vector */
	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
		b[i] = 1.0;

	printf("A =\n");
	print_packed_matrix("%6.2f ", a, n);

	printf("B =\n");
	print_vector("%6.2f ", b, n);

	/* solve AX=B */
	info = LP_sym_pos_solve(a, n, b);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	printf("X =\n");
	print_vector("%6.2f ", b, n);


/* LP_sym_eigvals() finds the eigenvalues of a symmetrix matrix */
static void demo_sym_eigvals(int n)
	double *a = NULL, *w = NULL;
	int i, j;
	int info;

	a = malloc(n*n*sizeof *a);
	w = malloc(n*sizeof *w);

	if (a==NULL || w==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Make a sample symmetric matrix */
	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
		for (i=0; i<n; i++)
			a[i+n*j] = 1.0/(i+j+1);

	printf("A =\n");
	print_matrix("%6.2f ", a, n, n);

	/* compute eigenvalues */
	info = LP_sym_eigvals(a, n, w);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	printf("eigenvalues =\n");
	print_vector("%g ", w, n);


/* LP_sym_eigvecs() finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
 * a symmetrix matrix
 * */
static void demo_sym_eigvecs(int n)
	double *a, *w, *z;
	int i, j;
	int info;

	a = malloc(n*n*sizeof *a);
	w = malloc(n*sizeof *w);
	z = malloc(n*n*sizeof *z);

	if (a==NULL || w==NULL || z==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Make a sample symmetric matrix */
	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
		for (i=0; i<n; i++)
			a[i+n*j] = 1.0/(i+j+1);

	printf("A =\n");
	print_matrix("%6.2f ", a, n, n);

	/* compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
	info = LP_sym_eigvecs(a, n, w, z);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	printf("eigenvalues =\n");
	print_vector("%g ", w, n);

	printf("eigenvectors =\n");
	print_matrix("%12.8g ", z, n, n);


int main(void)
	int n = 3;

	printf("--- Solving AX=B using with LP_gen_solve() ---\n");


	printf("--- Solving AX=B with LP_sym_pos_solve()\n");


	printf("--- Finding eigenvalues of A with LP_sym_eigvals() ---\n");


	printf("--- Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A "
			"with LP_sym_eigvals() ---\n");

	return 0;

extern void dgesv_(int *n, int *nrhs, double *A, int *lda, int *piv,
		double *B, int *ldb, int *info);

extern void dppsv_(char *uplo, int *n, int *nrhs, double *A, 
		double *B, int *ldb, int *info);

extern void dsyevr_(char *jobz, char *range, char *uplo,
		int *n, double *a, int *lda,
		double *vl, double *vu, int *il, int *iu,
		double *abstol, int *m, double *w,
		double *z, int *ldz, int *isuppz,
		double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork,
		int *info);

#endif /* H_LAPACK_HEADERS_H */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lapack_headers.h"
#include "mylapack.h"

/* C front end to LAPACK's DGESV routine.
 * Computes the solution of Ax=B, where A is an arbitrary real nxn matrix.
 * The auxiliary vector piv returns the pivoting row exchange data.
 * */
int LP_gen_solve(double *a, int n, double *b, int *piv)
	int nrhs = 1;
	int info;
	dgesv_(&n, &nrhs, a, &n, piv, b, &n, &info);

	return info;

/* C front end to LAPACK's DPPSV routine
 * Computes the solution of AX=B where A is real symmetric and is stored
 * in the lower-triangular "packed" format.
int LP_sym_pos_solve(double *a, int n, double *b)
	int nrhs = 1;
	char uplo = 'L';
	int info;
	dppsv_(&uplo, &n, &nrhs, a, b, &n, &info);

	return info;

/* C front end to LINPACK's dsyevr_() routine.
 * Calculates the eigenvalues of the nxn symmetric matrix A and returns
 * them in the vector w.
 * */
int LP_sym_eigvals(double *a, int n, double *w)
	int lwork=-1, liwork=-1;
	double dx, *work = &dx;		/* work points to a temporary cell */
	int ix, *iwork = &ix;		/* iwork points to a temporary cell */
	double abstol = -1.0;		/* force default */
	char jobz='N', range='A', uplo='L';
	int il, iu;
	double vl, vu;
	int info, m;

	/* Call dsyevr_() with lwork=-1 and liwork=-1 to query the
	 * optimal sizes of the work and iwork arrays.
	 * */
	dsyevr_(&jobz, &range, &uplo, &n, a, &n, &vl, &vu, &il, &iu,
			&abstol, &m, w, NULL, &n, NULL, 
			work, &lwork, iwork, &liwork, &info);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	lwork = (int)*work;
	liwork = *iwork;

	/* allocate optimal sizes for work and iwork */
	work = malloc(lwork*sizeof *work);
	iwork = malloc(liwork*sizeof *iwork);

	if (work==NULL || iwork==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* now call dsyevr_() in earnest */
	dsyevr_(&jobz, &range, &uplo, &n, a, &n, &vl, &vu, &il, &iu,
			&abstol, &m, w, NULL, &n, NULL, 
			work, &lwork, iwork, &liwork, &info);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;



	return info;

/* C front end to LINPACK's dsyevr_() routine.
 * Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the nxn symmetric matrix A.
 * The eigenvalues are returned in the vector w.
 * The (orthonormal) eigenvectors are returned in the matrix z.
 * The ith column of z holds the eigenvector associated with w[i].
 * */
int LP_sym_eigvecs(double *a, int n, double *w, double *z)
	int lwork=-1, liwork=-1;
	double dx, *work = &dx;		/* work points to a temporary cell */
	int ix, *iwork = &ix;		/* iwork points to a temporary cell */
	double abstol = -1.0;		/* force default */
	int *isuppz;
	char jobz='V', range='A', uplo='L';
	int il, iu;
	double vl, vu;
	int info, m;

	/* Call dsyevr_() with lwork=-1 and liwork=-1 to query the
	 * optimal sizes of the work and iwork arrays.
	 * */
	dsyevr_(&jobz, &range, &uplo, &n, a, &n, &vl, &vu, &il, &iu,
			&abstol, &m, w, NULL, &n, NULL, 
			work, &lwork, iwork, &liwork, &info);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;

	lwork = (int)*work;
	liwork = *iwork;

	/* allocate optimal sizes for work and iwork */
	work = malloc(lwork*sizeof *work);
	iwork = malloc(liwork*sizeof *iwork);
	isuppz = malloc(2*n*sizeof *isuppz);

	if (work==NULL || iwork==NULL || isuppz==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"out of memory!\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* now call dsyevr_() in earnest */
	dsyevr_(&jobz, &range, &uplo, &n, a, &n, &vl, &vu, &il, &iu,
			&abstol, &m, w, z, &n, isuppz, 
			work, &lwork, iwork, &liwork, &info);

	if (info!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "trouble in file __FILE__, line __LINE__: "
				"info = %d\n", info);
		goto cleanup;



	return info;

#ifndef H_MYLAPACK_H
#define H_MYLAPACK_H

int LP_gen_solve(double *a, int n, double *b, int *piv);
int LP_sym_pos_solve(double *a, int n, double *b);
int LP_sym_eigvals(double *a, int n, double *w);
int LP_sym_eigvecs(double *a, int n, double *w, double *z);

#endif /* H_MYLAPACK_H */

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