On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 01:07:49PM +0100, Theodore Papadopoulo wrote: > On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 13:24 -0500, Jeff Ratliff wrote: > > Well, it may be because I also installed the gcc-4.0 preversions, but > instead of having gcc, > g++, g77, I have now gcc34, gcc4, g++34, g++4, gfortran.... and > unfortunately many tools (including autoconf) want to see the former > names. Am I missing something, did I do something wrong ? Is there a > better way than creating the appropriate symlinks ?? Is there a proper > patch for the autotools ?? > > As for gfortran, I now that is the new name for a totally new fortran > compiler, so certainly autoconf needs to be updated... > When I do "yum install gcc4," yum seems perfectly willing to do that, so this must be a perfectly legitimate FC3 package (if you have a need for it). When I do # rpm -qa | grep gcc I get gcc-3.4.2-6.fc3 libgcc-3.4.2-6.fc3 gcc-c++-3.4.2-6.fc3 gcc-g77-3.4.2-6.fc3 gcc-java-3.4.2-6.fc3 This tells me gcc34 is not on my system, and is probably not a legit FC3 package, since on FC3 it's called gcc. Browsing around the Fedora mirrors I find that there is a gcc34 listed as an FC2 package. My guess is you've done something wrong. Probably installed an FC2 rpm by mistake, done an upgrade from FC2 in an unsopported manner, screwed up your yum configuration so it's installing old packages, or something else bad. I'd fire your system administrator, then try to wipe out and reinstall all your development stuff. It's hard to tell how to do that without knowing exactly how the problem occured. I'd uninstall the Development group through system-config-packages, then start doing "rpm -qa | grep gcc", "rpm -qa | grep autoconf", etc, to see what's left, then remove this stuff too. If this gets too hairy you may consider a re-install of the system, because you really don't want to be doing development or programming with broken tools. Good luck.