William Hooper wrote:
Randy Chrismon said:
William Hooper wrote:
Randy Chrismon said: [snip]
At a terminal, type:
# which system-config-services
And give us the output.
At the console the following text appears:
userhelper must be setuid root
Then the GUI insufficient privileges message box pops up.
I have a feeling you didn't type "which" in there.
Sorry! My eyes move faster than my brain takes in...
Ok, this is good. And I assume that ls -l /usr/bin/system-config-services
is a link to consolehelper?
Yes, it is a link to consolehelper.
What am I looking for here? Both are installed; I'll have to do a man to find out what the .M....G. means before the listing.Also, your output above:
userhelper must be setuid root
Might also give a clue. Try verifying the usermode RPMs.
rpm -V usermode rpm -V usermode-gtk
I haven't had a chance to go through it yet but I do think that consolehelper is the direction I need to go.
Thanks again.