>> J Cole Wrote:
>> The problem I have is that I can hear sound, but it has a lot of noise. I have used different speaker attachments to check
>> the external connection but its still is has noise.
> Markus Huber Replied:
> If you mean additional sound, then turn everything mute in the alsa-mixer and just open PCM and volume.
No, there is noise even when all the inputs are muted bare from PCM
> If you mean distorted: maybe all your volumes are set on 100 percent (alsa-mixer, players). Reduce them.
The noise is still there, louder then the sound I want to hear.
again, under Red Hat Linux 7.3 and windows there is no noise but under fedora 2 there is, even though I have muted the inputs and set the volume at 70%.
Is there another sound system to use or newer drivers! (This system should work?)
From Jason Cole.