Michael Schwendt wrote:
Hmmm.... This morning when I started RP8 the welcome sounds played at once. I'm pretty sure that I re-booted last night after changing /etc/modprobe.conf and running alsamixer but maybe I didn't. RP8 does still start alsasound:RealPlayer8 does not use ALSA devices most likely, but OSS devices and mixers, so that may be important. system-config-soundcard examines the running kernel version and chooses either amixer (ALSA) or aumix (OSS) to set the volume levels for the test sound.
Also interesting to know would be whether any other audio applications
work when RealPlayer8 doesn't work and then checking /sbin/lsmod to find
out whether maybe some driver is not loaded automatically or whether it is
a mixer problem actually.
root@linuxgruven root# service alsasound status ALSA sound driver loaded.
Anyway, I also use RP8 to play video clips from Fine Woodworking and that works OK too.
Thank you for your patient assistance and I learned a bit more about alsa.