Hello. I primarily use firefox and mozilla as my browser(s) of choice. But when I took an html class last year I learned that many web pages use browser specific features. And that other browsers may not render them properly. So I was taught that it was a good idea to keep more than one browser around in case you wanted to use a page that wasn't compatible with your favorite, (and to view any page I might make with as many "DIFFERENT" browsers as possible before deciding they worked properly.) Well I recently found a product I wanted to order on-line. But neither Firefox, nor it's cousin Mozilla was able to actually add the product to the "shopping cart" This got me looking at browsers again. But everything I got on this fc1 (including konqueror) seams to be based on mozilla. I'm looking for something else. Not for regular use, but so that when I send a request to some webmaster to make his/her page more compatible with my software, I want to be able to show that I tried more than one kind of browser before I decided it was the website, rather than my chosen software that's at fault. But I simply won't boot windows to test it with IE (Generaly I disable the cable modem before I boot windows one any of the rare occasions that I even go there any more.) Are there any functional browsers for fc1 that don't use mozilla's rendering engine? (preferably one that can render pages written for IE) -- | ? ? | | -=- -=- I'm NOT clueless... | <?> <?> But I just don't know. | ^ Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | --- J(tWdy)P | <jtwdyp@xxxxxxxx> | ? ?