On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 14:52:53 -0600
Fritz Whittington <f.whittington@xxxxxxx> wrote:The problem is, that IF there's a plugin installed that can handle a file, then Mozilla will happily ignore
your attempts to set up a helper app to handle it. You might even
discover that Acroread will work as an external helper app. But at
least then you can have your choice.
Firefox must be different,then. I completely deleted nppdf.so from my system and it still opens pdf files in acroread instead of xpdf.
I'll bet it opens them using an external acroread window rather than in a plugin, however. nppdf.so is only related to the acroread plugin, and won't have any effect on your choice of helper app, except, as the parent notes, that if you have a workign plugin, mozilla/firefox will use the plugin no matter what helper app you configure.
Check the settings for application/pdf under the helper application preference.