Hi, I run fedora devel for some time now with success. I have kernel 2.6.2-1.87 and wanted to upgrade to 2.6.3-1.253 The kernel booted fine but *no* Xfree! The problem is that there is no mouse recognized thouh it worked fine before. If I issue modprobe hid, I have a message saying that keybdev and mousedev are not available. Any idea? thanks -jec
-- Jean-Eric Cuendet Riskpro Technologies SA Av du 14 avril 1b, 1020 Renens Switzerland Principal: +41 21 637 0110 Fax: +41 21 637 01 11 Direct: +41 21 637 0123 E-mail: jean-eric.cuendet at rptec.ch http://www.rptec.ch --------------------------------------------------------