I'd try: 1. shut down the computer
2. disconnect the modem
3. boot it up
4. shut it down
5. reconnet the modem
6. boot up again, see if kudzu notices it this time.
If not, it's no big deal, just create your own /dev/modem pointing to
the real serial port. e.g., if the modem is on com2 (/dev/ttyS1), do:
ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem
while logged in as root. Voila!
Hi fred,
In one of your earlier mails you said, I could just start using the modem (provided /dev/modem is defined) and you were right. It works!
What remains is: what *is* kudzu for? I'll sees what I can find in the man page or other documentation I can find.
Everyone, thanks for helping me.
Guus. -- A.J. Bonnema, Leiden The Netherlands, user #328198 with the Linux Counter