Re: Grub + WinXP

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El Vie 21 Nov 2003 2:28 AM, Peter Boy escribió:

> First, there was a typo in my previous posting. You must edit the file
>   /boot/grub/grub.conf
> and there is a link to it from
>   /etc/grub.conf
> But I suppose you found the correct file.

Yes, it's a symlink

> Problem is, that Windows can not boot from another drive then the first
> (at least this is true for version up to Winn 2000) So, normally you
> should install Win on the first drive, first partition (for some Win
> versions even the second partition of the first drive didn't work). I
> suppose you have installed a second HD, because there is no way to
> install a windows onto a second HD.
> Solution is: you must swap the HD in some way. If grub can't, you may
> use lilo. Or you should search your bios for a way to swap the order of
> the HDs. If nothing works, you you change the HD physically. You can use
> the win bootloader to boot linux or you can install grub on the first HD
> which will start win or linux.

well.. finally I decided to move to lilo, it's working now, but I'll keep 
trying to use with grub (I want to learn), or maybe I'll swap HDs later :-)

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