Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 15:36, Tom Diehl wrote:
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Richard Shade wrote:
Does anyone know when mysql 4.0+ will be added to fedora? what I can doGet the mysql people to change the license. This has been discussed at great
to help get this added as part of the product?
lengths. Please check the archives for details.
Other options include: a) getting the people whose projects don't use a GPL compatible license to change the license into a GPL compatible one
This would not be easy..
This would be silly since probably 95% of MySQL's use is in conjunction with PHP..b) don't build the conflicting modules (like the php mysql, module for instance).
I am hoping the MySQL come up with a solution.. Some other projects that I use are already migrating to Postgresql because of the new MySQL licencing problems.. If that trend catches on MySQL will lose its hold on the database market very quickly..
This would make some people sad (namely those specific module maintainers), but holding on to MySQL 3.x seems to make more people sad, from what I've been reading here.
I guess MySQL will not notice the problem until its too late.. lets hope they haven't lost contact with the community..