Re: Looking to add permanently mounted USB drive

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On 10/22/2010 11:23 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> On 10/22/2010 11:10 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
>>> The thing to watch out for is drives like some western digitals which
>>> come with an insanely annoying artifical "cdrom" as part of the
>>> drive. It isn't really a cdrom, so it confuses things that
>>> expect it to be one and clutters your desktop with phony icons,
>>> and there is no way I've found to just make it disappear.
> What is it really?
>> I was leery of the WD drive discription:
> What made you leery?

"Password Protection, Award-Winning Software"

This means they MAY have some extra firmware or drive partitions (or 
both) that I would have to work around.

That comment about a CDrom device in the unit could either be just a 
partition to blow away (BTW, check all odd sourced USB drives for extra 
partitions with software from China to 'call' home and deliver your data 
there. Only works on Windows last I checked and these REALLY exist. I 
had one.). Or it might be on the eeprom and untouchable.

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