Re: OT: Cloud Computing is coming to ...

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--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Rahul Sundaram <metherid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Rahul Sundaram <metherid@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: OT:  Cloud Computing is coming to ...
> To: "Community support for Fedora users" <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 9:56 AM
> On 07/20/2010 10:19 PM, Antonio
> Olivares wrote:
> >
> > Did I say that?  You are adding this to the
> discussion.  I just posted that Red Hat had a "cloud
> committee" and a link to the page.  I know, I know if
> you took it that way I am sorry :(  
> >   
> What cloud committee?  
Sorry I did not post that, I forgot about it.  I read that Red Hat was exploring the "Cloud computing/Cloud Services" like Google, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu and others who are implementing it already.  They were going to explore the concept, I forgot to link these:
Published: 10:20 GMT, 24 June 10
Red Hat has launched a comprehensive package, called Red Hat Cloud Foundations, that will allow organisations to run applications in both public clouds and their own private clouds. With this release, Red Hat is one of only two companies that offer a complete package for running a hybrid cloud, said Scott Crenshaw, vice president and general manager of Red Hat's cloud business unit. The other company is Microsoft, with its Azure platform.
The announcement was one of a number of cloud-related announcements that the company made during the kickoff of its Red Hat Summit, being held this week in Boston. The company also has added new partners to its Red Hat Certified Cloud Provider Program. It has released version 2.2 of its Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation (RHEV) package, and has integrated Cisco's Virtual Network Link (VN-Link) technology within the RHEV package.
The first edition of the Red Hat Cloud Foundations package includes a set of Red Hat programs, a reference architecture, and a number of consulting services and training classes. The Red Hat programs include Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Red Hat Network Satellite, RHEV, JBoss and the company's messaging software.
{This was the link I posted}

> You posted a link about a
> consulting offering
> from Red Hat and discussed about that affecting Fedora and
> pointed to
> the Fedora wiki page.  The conclusion you were making
> were that they
> were connected.  I am not adding that to the
> discussion newly.  I am
> merely pointing out that despite the user of the word
> "cloud",  what Red
> Hat does and what Fedora infrastructure does are about
> completely
> dissimilar things and therefore your conclusion that
> somehow there is
> new technologies to test for the cloud and Fedora would be
> used for that
> has no evidence. 
> > In reading other responses, I see that "public" vs
> "private" "Cloud Computing", if you want to choose one, the
> cost would be lower if you go with "private
> computing".  Still, like I posted before, I agree with
> Mr. Richard Stallman :) 
> >   
> All you keep saying is that you agree with RMS.  How
> does the concept of
> private servers to run your own services change your
> argument?
> Rahul
> -- 

This is what I want to learn more about :)  This is the why I asked the question in the first place :)  To learn more and advice some of my friends that are interested in "Cloud Services"



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