Re: OT: Cloud Computing is coming to ...

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--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Rahul Sundaram <metherid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Rahul Sundaram <metherid@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: OT:  Cloud Computing is coming to ...
> To: "Community support for Fedora users" <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 9:40 AM
> On 07/20/2010 09:57 PM, Antonio
> Olivares wrote:
> >> How does one explain Fedora Games SIG?  
> >>     
> > A customized spin of Fedora with games :), Like KDE
> spin, LXDE spin, XFCE spin, SugarSpin, ..., etc.  I can
> ask Bruno Wolffe for more information on the Games spin if
> needed, but I am happy as it is :)  
> >   
> Yes but you are missing the point.  Not everything
> that Fedora does is
> connected to Red Hat. 
Did I say that?  You are adding this to the discussion.  I just posted that Red Hat had a "cloud committee" and a link to the page.  I know, I know if you took it that way I am sorry :(  
> > I read it and it says the following:
> > <quote>
> > We are still working on the Fedora cloud setup, the
> content of this page will grow at the same time we work and
> troubleshoot all services.
> > </quote>
> >   
> Which has nothing to do with what I said.  Fedora has
> been a extensive
> user of virtualization for many years and extending it for
> new use cases
> is not something fundamentally new.  Fedora
> infrastructure wants to
> provide more service for Fedora contributors and users. 
I know Fedora has been involved with this for quite some time, this is not disputed :) 
> > Well actually it might not be new, but for it to be on
> Fedora, I scratched my head :)  Since Fedora is a free
> general purpose operating system, I could not think that
> "Cloud Computing" would be promoted?
> >
> > And anyone can host those "cloud computing services"
> using Fedora if anyone would want to  make money
> selling those services :)  
> >   
> Sure or it might just be a Fedora infrastructure offering
> for
> contributors or it can be a paid service to host your
> backups or it can
> be a set of components to run on your own server.  It
> all depends on
> what your particular idea of "cloud computing" actually
> is.
> Rahul
> -- 

In reading other responses, I see that "public" vs "private" "Cloud Computing", if you want to choose one, the cost would be lower if you go with "private computing".  Still, like I posted before, I agree with Mr. Richard Stallman :)  



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