Re: Minimum Required RPM Packages for Running Fedora

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siavash ghiasvand writes:

did you try google? i think not, else you 'would have'/'should have'
mentioned doing so.
so, as a guide to what you want to do, an 'google linux advanced' search of
"minimal+system", with quotes and '+' sign gives 4,470 hits;
Dear g,

For sure I've googled it carefully before sending this email. I saw
those links and none of them did the trick which I want, Cause I'm
looking for a LIST of RPM packages which are sufficient to bring up a
simple kernel and nothing more.
I have a headless machine that serves as a router, a web and mail server, 
and a firewall. I stripped it down as much as possible, while still leaving 
a usable system that can be upgraded normally.
Right now, there are 458 rpm packages on it.

There are no development tools of any kind there, no X, no Gnome. Well, almost no X, some X stuff gets pulled in because of apcupsd-cgi -- there's a UPS attached to it. Dropping that will probably bring the total count to about 430, or so packages.
By comparison, my desktops are somewhere north of 1100 packages.

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