Re: [Fwd: Notice: dnssec-conf updates in Fedora 11 and 12]

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Wolfgang S. Rupprecht-11 wrote:
> It isn't that serious of a situation.  One can just comment out the
> offending line in /etc/named.conf and named will startup.  The file
> /var/log/messages will have the pathname of the include that is no
> longer there and a quick scan of /etc/named.conf file show where it it
> included from.  It is pain in the neck, but not a fatal catch-22.

One thing worth noting is that for some systems running f11 then, depending
on the history of the operating system, there may be incorrect includes at
the bottom of named.conf - occasionally there may be an additional (false)
reference to include "/etc/pki/dnssec-keys/dlv/"; 

If you find multiple lines around lines like that maybe one is incorrect and
should not be there. I think you can take all the lines for the includes to
/etc/named.dnssec.keys as well and then restart named.

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