Re: Wierd httpd Problem

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Larry Brower wrote:
> Mike Dwiggins wrote:
>> domain i s and askimet is kicking me to this file.  
>> This has me dumbfounded!
>> Mike
> The DNS looks fine and I am able to load that site without any issues 
> also. Did you recently change anything in DNS for the domain including 
> nameservers? This could be an issue with askimet's recursive server's 
> having old information cached.
> You didn't actually provide the error that askimet is giving you.
> "askimet is kicking me to this file"
> Can you expand on this in more detail? I am not sure what you mean :)
> Also, probably not relevant, but worth mentioning. Do you have any 
> blackhole ACL's on those authoritative servers which could be blocking 
> askimet from resolving the domain?

Saw that I forgot to include the file and sent it out again 

Last change to the DNS was Thursday and if I have any "blackhole ACL's"  
on the TLD's I do not know of them nor how to check for them.


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