Suvayu and Tim:
A very good explanation of the differences and what to expect from each.
Suvayu is correct in understanding my emails that I am running tcsh as
that is the shell I am most familiar with thanks to work environments.
Given the info that I have gotten here, I will take a stab at finding
out from our sysAdmins whether there is anything similar in tcsh. You
can probably tell that, being a tcsh user, the concept of a "_profile"
is a new one to me ... more learning on my part is in order now that
you've pointed me in right direction.
Suvayu Ali wrote:
Hi Paul,
On Sunday 27 December 2009 10:52 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
Suvayu Ali wrote:
If the OP is interested, the command line way to do this would be to
have one of your login scripts like ~/.bash_profile say,
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
Thanks, this is interesting. So it is in .bash_profile and not .bashrc?
Is there a similar way to do in either cshrc or, preferably, tcshrc?
~/.bash_profile gets sourced by any "well behaved" desktop environment
when ever you login. In my experience XFCE and WindowMaker does this.
(I don't use Gnome/KDE as often, so can't comment on them).
~/.bashrc gets sourced when ever you open an interactive shell, maybe
by opening a terminal emulator or login in remotely.
This means whenever you login remotely both ~/.bash_profile &
~/.bashrc gets sourced. However if you open a terminal emulator like
gnome-terminal or xterm only your ~/.bashrc gets sourced.
So ideally, (As Tim said in a later post) your environment variables
should be defined in your ~/.bash_profile where as your aliases and
functions should be defined in ~/.bashrc.
What I say is true assuming your login shell is bash. Since you asked
about csh or tcsh, as far as I understood from a quick look at the
respective manpages (section: startup and shutdown) they behave
differently. There is no file corresponding to ~/.bash_profile for
either of them. (maybe this is how C-shells behave?) However ~/.tcshrc
or ~/.cshrc does get sourced (in that order). So you can define this
in one of those files and see whether this works.
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