name server via dhcp, but don't want dhcp assigned addresses

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A quick search of the archives didn't turn up anything I could figure out easily.

I have ADSL, with a "modem"/router that does filtering, dhcp, etc. Since I want to refer to the boxes on the internal LAN (natted to local-address subnet) by name, I have the router set to only automatically allocate a piece of the subnet. Usually, all of the internal machines have their IP addresses set statically, thus, to addresses not included in the automatic portion of the subnet.
The WAN side of the router runs dhcp to my ISP, and gets the dns  
server addresses by dhcp, as well.
In the past, the ISP had told us to set the primary and secondary dns  
server addresses statically, so I had the router set to serve dhcp  
with those address. But I have also set the dns primary and secondary  
server addresses for all the boxes by hand to the dns servers  
provided by my ISP, so that I was ignoring the dns servers provided  
by the router.
Recently, my ISP (a middle-rank provider in Japan) sent around  
notices that they were changing their setup, such that the dns  
servers would be advertised by dhcp and subject to change. That is,  
they said, more or less, "Clear the addresses you've set as your DNS  
servers in the DCHP client dialogs" (with example screen shots of  
Macs and MSWindows DHCP client dialogs) "so that you get the DNS  
addresses provided by the DHCP servers."
On the Macs, there is an option to set the box as a DHCP client with  
static IP address, so I can still keep that much of my lan intact.  
But the Fedora boxes do not provide a static IP address client as a  
setting in the standard dialogs, as far as I can tell.
So, my problem is that I need to tell each Fedora box to accept the  
DNS server addresses provided by the DHCP server (the router,  
actually, which worries me), but not ask for a host IP address for  
itself, but the GUI dialogs in current Fedora don't provide that as  
an option.
Am I just missing something there, or will I need to disable the GUI  
and dig into text configuration files in /etc/dhclient.d? ( and don't seem to be the files I need.)
Joel Rees

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