Re: [Off-topic?] Fedora & gnome-main-menu

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On 08/31/2009 12:29 AM, Chris Thielen wrote:
I know it is possible to compile this for Fedora, but does anyone know
why this hasn't appeared either as a regularly maintained optional
package, or perhaps in consideration to replace the regular main menu by
default? Would it be correct to assume no package exists because no one
has stepped up, and that Fedora does not have it by default because the
GNOME upstream does not have it by default?

Thanks for any light you can shed into this. I understand this may have
been talked about before and I'm just out of the loop, or perhaps I'm in
the minority with my enjoyment of this particular applet.
It was up for review[1] for almost two years but the reporter did not 
respond to a request by a reviewer the past few months so it was closed.
I think you should wait for GNOME Shell. It will be about the same. It's 
coming in F12 I think.

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