Re: no medium xterm font

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On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, stan wrote:

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:35:31 -0500 (CDT)
Michael Hennebry <hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It almost worked.
The medium font is wider than the normal font,
but not any taller.
The large font is taller and even wider than the medium font.

In other words, I have two choices: too small or too wide.

I like the dejavu fonts.  Install them and try them out.  If you don't
like them you can always remove them.  There are lots of other fonts as
The issue for me is height and width, not beauty.
For an xterm or other console, I normally want fixed-width.

According to xwininfo,
with the normal font there is room for 6x13 pixel characters,
with the medium font, 8x13 pixel characters.
I would expect 3 interline pixel rows and character sizes 6x10 and 8x10,
but /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/XTerm contains:

*fontMenu.Label:  VT Fonts
*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label:    Default
*fontMenu*font1*Label:  Unreadable
*VT100.font1:           nil2
*IconFont:              nil2
*fontMenu*font2*Label:  Tiny
*VT100.font2:           5x7
*fontMenu*font3*Label:  Small
*VT100.font3:           6x10
*fontMenu*font4*Label:  Medium
*VT100.font4:           7x13
*fontMenu*font5*Label:  Large
*VT100.font5:           9x15
*fontMenu*font6*Label:  Huge
*VT100.font6:           10x20
*fontMenu*fontescape*Label:     Escape Sequence
*fontMenu*fontsel*Label:        Selection
No two fonts have the same height.
Until I understand what's going on, I really don't dare tinker.
What's going on?

yum install dejavu\*
Michael   hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

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