Re: Multiple IP addresses without aliasing?

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Ryan Lynch wrote:
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 17:36, Sam Varshavchik<mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ryan Lynch writes:

Do the Fedora network init scripts support additional secondary IP
addresses without the use of alias labels?  Does an option for IPv4
addresses exist that works like IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES?

I just skimmed /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt, but I
didn't see anything to that effect, so I'm guessing the answer is no,
and I have to use aliases and 'ifcfg-eth?:0' files.
Yes, at least for IPv4. There is absolutely no support from the GUI, but you
can manually install /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX:Y. For
example, I have an ifcfg-eth1 and an ifcfg-eth1:1, with a second IP address.
Just copy ifcfg-ethX to ifcfg-ethX:1, and stick in an additional IP address.
That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid--I don't want Fedora to add
the 'eth0:0', 'eth0:1', etc. labels.  I'm wondering if the init
scripts support multiple addresses WITHOUT aliases.

At his point I think it would be good to explain what you are really trying to do, rather than how you would like to do it. What do you expect to see if you do what you want, and what tools would you use in place of the normal tools which expect an alias?
Note, adding a address via "ip" works in some odd ways you might not expect, and 
you have to set up routing by hand as well. What is wrong with the alias method 
which works for the rest of us?
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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