Re: Multiple IP addresses without aliasing?

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Ryan Lynch writes:

Do the Fedora network init scripts support additional secondary IP
addresses without the use of alias labels?  Does an option for IPv4
addresses exist that works like IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES?

I just skimmed /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt, but I
didn't see anything to that effect, so I'm guessing the answer is no,
and I have to use aliases and 'ifcfg-eth?:0' files.
Yes, at least for IPv4. There is absolutely no support from the GUI, but you 
can manually install /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX:Y. For 
example, I have an ifcfg-eth1 and an ifcfg-eth1:1, with a second IP address. 
Just copy ifcfg-ethX to ifcfg-ethX:1, and stick in an additional IP address.

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