RE: FC11 - flash plugin for Firefox

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> Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 12:25:03 -0400
> From: ryan.b.lynch@xxxxxxxxx
> To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: FC11 - flash plugin for Firefox
> If you search for 'leigh123' and 'flash-plugin' and '64 bit' and 'rpm'
> on, there is a very nice RPM and yum repo for Adobe's
> 64-bit flash-plugin. The packager keeps it reasonably well updated,
> too.
> -Ryan
> On 2009-08-23, John Aldrich  wrote:
>> Coming into this discussion late, but there *is* a Beta version of Flash
>> for x86_64 linux here:
>> Scroll down to the bottom and you'll find the link to the download.
>> --
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> Ryan B. Lynch
> ryan.b.lynch@xxxxxxxxx
> --

Well, I am no longer runing 64 bit kernel. Since I migrated to F11, I am using the 32 bit kernel.

Also, I did have to resort to the Adobe version 10 flash plugin.
AFA cpu load, it seems to have the lowest load: 70% of cpu while
a video is playing. As I said in my first post, the trouble with the
Adobe flash 10 is this: if I play a video, and after it finishes, I do not
close the window. I switch to other tabs or other tasks. If I come
back and try to play any other video, or even if I try to replay
the same video, I get totally stuttetered sound and then a repetitive
echo of some unitelligible sound.  Does adobe even know about this problem?
I wonder if any graphics chips will provide a flash decoder so that
all the host has to do is send the flash stream directly to the graphics



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