RE: FC11 - flash plugin for Firefox

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> From: remotestar@xxxxxxxx
> To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: FC11 - flash plugin for Firefox
> Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:52:48 -0700
> ________________________________
>> From: ryan.b.lynch@xxxxxxxxx
>> Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 17:02:19 -0400
>> To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: FC11 - flash plugin for Firefox
>> If someone knows of another flash plugin that does not have
>> this problem, please let me know.
>> I know of two other options for Flash support under FF on Linux, but both are worse than Adobe's plugin, in my experience:
>> * gnash: Youtube video and sound work. Many other flash sites fail.
>> * swfdec: Youtube video works, but I get no audio. Many other flash sites fail.
>> I think the problem is that neither gnash nor swfdec support Flash 10 features--I don't know whether 10 represents a new file format, or just some extensions. When the Adobe plugin is installed, FF's about:plugins page lists both Shockwave 9 and Shockwave 10 support, while it only shows 9 with gnash/swfdec.
>> If you want to try them, do a 'yum remove flash-plugin' and then do (for gnash) `yum install gnash gnash-plugin`, or (for swfdec) do `yum install swfdec swfdec-gtk swfdec-mozilla gstreamer-ffmpeg`. I don't know what happens when both are installed at once, you could certainly try it. Make sure to restart FF after installing a new plugin, too.
>> I'm running F11 x86-64, so it's a little different from your setup. Maybe you will get better results than I did. Good luck.
>> -Ryan
> Thank you Ryan. I too used to run x86_64 on my Athlon64 system
> I go tired of having to install the wrappers, which failed more often than
> I cared to put up with.
> I just uninstalled adobe flash 10, and installed gnash and gnash-plugin. Will restrart browser and try this. Will let you know how it went
> in a couple of days, because I need to see if the audio stuttering will happen again.
> Cheers,
> MK

Hi Ryan,
So far, gnash-plugin spawns 3 instances of gtk-gnash.
Two of the instances consume about 2.0 to 2.3% oc cpu.
The third instance consumes about 30% while the video is STOPPED,
and it consumes between 80 and 98% of cpu when video is
running. And because it consumes so much cpu, the audio
gets interrupted quiet often.

So you see, that it is quiet a hog!

Next, I will try swfdec swfdec-gtk swfdec-mozilla gstreamer-ffmpegas you had suggested.



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