Re: VM question

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Kevin Kempter wrote:
On Thursday 11 December 2008 07:44:12 pm Michael Cronenworth wrote:
Kevin Kempter wrote:
I'm looking for any thoughts/feedback you'all may have.
I have Flash 10 x86_64 installed and running nicely. You're willing to
dump Fedora for ESX over flash? That makes little sense.
Flash is a minor piece - however based on what I've read lately around the net 
It seems that the 386 version is more 'desktop' friendly but I have little 
solid examples. I'm wondering what folks on the fedora list think of:
a) the claim that Fedora 10 386 is more desktop friendly than Fedora 10 x86_64
Scan this list for the number of questions about making stuff work on x86_64. 
The short answer is that there is a way to do about everything, but it is less 
"drop-in and run" than i686. The people who say they never had a problem fall 
into three categories, (a) real gurus who solve problems so fast they don't 
notice them, (b) people who happen to do only things that never *find* a 
problem, and (c) people who want you to think they belong in class (a).
It's not rocket science, but it will be more work for most people.

b) thoughts/experiences, etc per running VM's on top of VMware's ESX Server

Although I heard that using a PAE kernel was going to be dog slow, I actually tried it, and using KVM with virtual machines of reasonable 2-3GB size, it is slower enough to measure but not to feel. I run a bunch of assorted servers and performance is comparable (down at most 4-5% for what I do).
I would say that since you have 64 bit installed you should forge ahead unless 
it starts to really be more trouble than it's worth.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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