Re: VM question

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Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Kevin Kempter wrote:
>> Flash is a minor piece - however based on what I've read lately
>> around the net It seems that the 386 version is more 'desktop'
>> friendly but I have little solid examples. I'm wondering what folks
>> on the fedora list think of:
>> a) the claim that Fedora 10 386 is more desktop friendly than Fedora
>> 10 x86_64
>> and
> "Desktop friendly?" Sounds like you've read some very bad opinion
> pages. I've been using x86_64 solid for a few years now. I love it.
> There's nothing wrong with the x86_64 arch. You can run i386 arch
> packages right along side if you are really that terrified...
>> b) thoughts/experiences, etc per running VM's on top of VMware's ESX
>> Server
> I've never used ESX. Only Workstation, Player, and Server. I despise
> VMWare products in general. They're too heavy in download size and
> require too much processing power to function fluidly. I prefer KVM or
> VirtualBox over VMWare any day.
I concur on the VirtaulBox comment.  I've used VMWare Workstation and
Server for along time but they don't keep up with the latest versions of
the Linux kernel so it's hard to install alot of times on later
kernels.  VirtualBox keeps up and seems to be at least as robust as
VMWare products.


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