Re: want to prevent people from making mistakes?

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Linuxguy123 wrote:
On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 11:48 -0800, Richard England wrote:
Telling everyone that the release is non-functional and should be recalled is not productive and wastes everyone's bandwidth.
Not that I agree with him, but everyone is entitled to an opinion,
right ? I don't call that a waste of bandwidth.
I have no quibble with that. I would suggest you go look at the thread of this conversation and note that only the first poster told him to "shut up".
I appreciate people pointing out their "problems". It helps to bring 
multiple minds to bear on a problem.  Fred can continue to post (almost) 
anything he wishes to on this list and I won't deny him that right.  
But, as I pointed out, that is why I have mail filters.
This topic is now closed, as far as I am concerned.

Good luck with Fedora and keep posting. I learn something from ever post I read.

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