Re: What is the matter with fedora 9?

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Stephen Berg (Contractor) wrote:
Bill Davidsen wrote:
After about a dozen installs of Fedora 9 I cannot agree with you on that. On every system save one there is only one network connection, in each of those cases it's been /dev/eth0 and NM would not enable the connection by default. Maybe there's documentation on the way that will make NM a breeze to configure but until that time it's out the window. I disable the NetworkManager service and enable the network service during kickstart installs. All my systems have a statically leased DHCP address and it works just fine.
Bottom line for me:  NM breaks far more than it fixes.

One problem for a lot of people is that NM does not open the network connection until the user logs in. This is a problem for anything that needs a network connection before you log in.

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