Re: What is the matter with fedora 9?

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fedora wrote:
Hi every

What is the matter with fedora 9?

it introduced a NetworkManager which prohibits networking.
NetworkMangler has been around since FC6 (at least), by making it the 
default it became impossible to ignore. It does the right thing in cases 
where you have one hardwire or wireless connection which can see only 
one AP. For all other cases wait for the human readable documentation 
which will be here... or maybe not, since it was coming with FC7, 8, and 9.
programs are acessible only as root user: xsane just does nothing as non-root user.
More likely to be a device permission problem, in my experience. Blame 
hal or SElinux, it's not that hard to fix.
openoffice blocks its drop-downs in the main menu for 20 seconds, if you are not root. if you are root, everything is as good/as bad as with fedora 8, thanks very much.
Other people have said that's because when they upgraded they left stuff 
in various "dot" directories. Doesn't happen in clean installs, at least 
that I've noticed.
openldap breaks down every now and then, and stays with a corrupt sleepycat database, which is not revoverable.
I didn't see your bugzilla on that.
could the relevant persons please provide an update to fedora 9 as soon 
as possible? thanks very much.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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