Re: OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet

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James Corteciano wrote:
I see.. This issue must be address to the gnome and fedora developers.
Anyway I will try to switch to KDE to test if the problem is still
persistent or not.

Thanks once again.

I agree.  I would submit a bug if I could provide a way of testing the 
bug.  At present, I am still using F7 at home and F8 at work.  I have 
only had the issue at home due to the multiple users.
User switching doesn't always cause the issue and for me it could be 
fixed in F8 or F9.  I have also been using KDE for about a year and I 
have not seen it on my account.  I do still see it on the kids accounts 
as they use Gnome.
Robin Laing

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