Re: Fedora 9 and Security

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Amadeus W.M. wrote:
You can use uuids, labels or device names. Nothing has changed there.
The defaults the installer uses have changed, and it makes no sense for
the installer to ask new users questions like

Use UUID, LABEL or device name ?"

Because the answer in 99.99% cases is "uh ??"

In which case (and only then) the installer can choose for them, but let 
there be choice with sensible (and visible) defaults for the others.
If you were going to give the choice during install, it would make
sense to have the option only show up during an expert install.

Because if I'm a new user and I want to change, say, from UUID to labels (post-installation) I may not know how to do that. You don't suppose new users would know better after than before, do you?
Would a new user know enough about either method to want to make the change in the first place?
I guess my first question would be "If you do not know enough about 
UUID and partition labels to figure out how to do it, then why are 
you trying to make the change?" Is the change just a whim of the 
user, or is there some problem they are trying to solve? If they are 
trying to solve a problem, maybe they should look at the problem, 
and why they think the change will solve it. I am having a hard time 
trying to think of a problem that would be solved this way.

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